Children's House
Absorbing complex concepts.
Maria Montessori found that young children enjoyed and understood advanced concepts in complex fields such as geography, geometry and algebra, if they were made available through concrete, sensorial activities.

The manipulatives in mathematics, for example, make concrete and easily understandable such complex concepts as place value with the decimal system, squaring, fractions, and operations using numbers up to a million.

The manipulatives in mathematics, for example, make concrete and easily understandable such complex concepts as place value with the decimal system, squaring, fractions, and operations using numbers up to a million.
Highly movitated and engaged.
In a Montessori Children’s House, each child’s concentration, involved exploration, and persistence in solving a problem is respected, not just by the teachers, but by other children.

Children often become lost in activity, and this deep involvement is a treasure as the development of concentration at this age is key to unlocking the fulness of your child’s potential.

Children often become lost in activity, and this deep involvement is a treasure as the development of concentration at this age is key to unlocking the fulness of your child’s potential.
Mixed-age community.
The mixed age community presents valuable experiences of peer teaching, as children are encouraged to offer to help one another, or to share something they have just discovered with a friend.

Maria Montessori discovered how well a young child learns from an older child, and how patient the older one is with the younger.

Both benefit, for teaching brings understanding.

Maria Montessori discovered how well a young child learns from an older child, and how patient the older one is with the younger.
Learning by exploring.
The Montessori materials enable children to learn as they explore – to build up clear ideas, superior academic skills, and exceptional character - through daily experiences not present in a traditional classroom.
Every child is hungry to explore the world. The Montessori environment brings the world to the child at this age not through teacher-led passive lectures, but through materials that become memorable learning experiences.

The geometric solids that enable clear understanding of three-dimensional forms.

The letters of the movable alphabet that enable creative writing and composition - correct spelling follows soon after!

Little hands thoughtfully arrange flowers in a vase. Each child, no matter how young, discovers there is so much they can do to care for and contribute to their Children’s House.

The geometric solids that enable clear understanding of three-dimensional forms.