Special Classes
Instruments (Guitar, violin, piano, flute, marimba, precussion - open to non-PMC Students)
Voice (Open to non-PMC Students)
The early introduction during music class to the different instruments in the orchestra and the field trips to concerts inspire a good number of our students to take up lessons to learn to play various instruments.
These classes also help in fine motor skills development particularly the dexterity of the fingers. Eye and hand coordination, sensitivity of hearing are highly improved through the discrimination of notes, tonal quality, range. The practice and exposure to performance lead to greater appreciation and love for music.
Classes are conducted by experienced music teachers, and each student has the chance to perform during the year-end Music Recital.​
Voice lessons provide an opportunity for children to focus and further develop their ability and capacity to sing. This includes developing gradually their singing voice, (the range and volume, tonal quality, pitch and timbre), the emotional expression needed to convey the mood of the song , and the self-confidence to sing to an audience. Classes are conducted one on one by experienced music teachers, and each student has the chance to perform during the year-end Music Recital.​
Mandarin (Open to non-PMC Students)
Apart from the academic lessons, the curriculum includes such topics as Chinese Culture, Family, History, Community, Good Manners, Music, and Festivals to name a few. Different methodologies such as storytelling, songs, skits, drama, are used to stimulate interest.​
Instrumental Ensemble (For Philippine Montessori students)
There are few things as magical to a 4 year old child as striking a kettle drum with a mallet and listening to its deep, resounding boom echo slowly out into silence. “I made that sound.”
In the early 1980s, Mrs Woellhaf decided to experiment with and explore the extent of the young child’s interest and aptitude for music. Through the work of PMC’s dedicated music teachers, they offered these children percussion instruments developed by Carl Orff, one of Germany’s best known contemporary composers. Everyone was surprised by the response, as the children fell on the instruments with enthusiasm and a wonderful ear for producing music as a team, a mini-orchestra.
But perhaps most important is the cooperation, inner discipline, focus, drive and deep fulfillment that arise from making beautiful music as part of a group. When the children rush to Teacher Lois with an “Again, Teacher!”, when they hum Aram Khachaturian’s Sabre Dance all the way home, and drum on the dining table to the melodies in their head, you know they have found something that every parent wishes for their child: a passion.